Friday, November 24, 2006

This post may sound cruel, but it makes sense...

Ok so on the news tonight, they talked about THREE separate car accidents, all fatal, and all people killed didn't buckle up. It's so easy to do, and they would all still be here if they did it.
Then there's the story about the guy who had a kid in his deer hunting party who was WEARING BLAZE ORANGE, and the guy MISTOOK HIM FOR A DEER and SHOT HIM IN THE HEAD. WHAT THE FRICK?? How do you screw that up??
Then there's the story about the 3 year old and the 5 year old kids who disappeared while playing outside, and authorities don't know if they wandered off or were taken. My take on this is, WHY WASN'T THE MOTHER WATCHING CHILDREN THAT YOUNG?? My mom watched me when I played outside until I was 6 years old like good parents should! I wasn't even allowed to take a bath in private until I was 6 years old because my mom wanted to be SURE I knew the rules about playing with the faucets (and possibly burning myself doing that) and not get water on the floor (which can be slippery and dangerous) and stuff like that.
Such simple things could have prevented news stories like these. That's all I have to say.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Tim Pawlenty

I really don't like Tim Pawlenty.
I really don't like Tim Pawlenty.
I really don't like Tim Pawlenty.
I really don't like Tim Pawlenty.
Lookit this loser:

I think I would rather have Jesse Ventura back. At least Minnesota was in good shape when he was governor. He hates republicans. He hates democrats. He's awesome. Come back, Jesse!