Friday, June 09, 2006

Pringles vs. Lays Stax

Pringles were invented how long ago? Like a long freakin time. And you can get your hand into the can to eat the product! It has been this way since the first can of Pringles was made! Matthew & I both have noticed that Lays Stax, although their container looks cool, is NOT meant for actually CONSUMING the Lays Stax. You can stare into the container and say "Those sure look tasty," but you CANNOT GET THEM! Lays Stax are good, or at least the top third of the can is anyway, but they apparently are chip-shaped and flavored knicknacks in a fancy tube. They come in so many yummy flavors, but I don't want to pay a dollar for a third of a can of Lays Stax when I can pay a dollar to get EVERY Pringle in the can. The back of the can says: "Enjoy Lays Stax potato crisps at the office, around the house,on the go or WHEREVER you are!" I don't know about you, but most people that bring Pringles to work or in their cars don't need to carry a bowl. Sure, I CAN enjoy Lays Stax on the go, but I must bring a bowl, or just enjoy only a few Lays Stax, either that, or I have to be a jerk and not share with people, whereas Pringles I can just pass THE CAN to the person and expect them to retrieve Pringles from it! Come on Frito Lay, please change the shape of your Lays Stax can, or I will exclusively buy Pringles, or push Pringles to make Hidden Valley Ranch flavor. And you musn't forget this: which product came first? Uh YEAH PRINGLES--copycats! And bad ones at that!

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