Friday, May 26, 2006

NY Rant Series Part 1: Cab Drivers

New York state blows. Like seriously, this place effin' blows monkey stick. Here's my first NY-related rant about the area cab drivers.
White Cab
They wanted to charge an extra dollar to drop me off and then bring Matthew to Wal*Mart, so Matthew said to just nevermind the Wal*Mart, and we would get out where I needed to get dropped off and he would walk to Wal*Mart. Not only was this driver a total A$$, but he didn't seem to EFFING understand that we had changed our plans. Matthew was like "we'll get out right here then," and then the jerk finally told the dispatcher "no Wal*Mart." I also found a friggin empty beer can in the back of that cab. We showed the driver and he just acted all dopey like he'd never seen it before, but I can guarantee you it was his just by observing his driving (no one in NY really drives too great but this guy was obviously reckless). They're also guilty of SPEEDING (what an effing surprise) taking me someplace, and then they act like jerks when you expect change back. It's $4.50 to get to my work, and I give them a 5 and they're like "Thanks." WTF!! Sometimes they even have the nerve to ask me "uh ya want your 50 cents back?" and I just wanna say WHAT THE EFF DO YOU THINK?!?! I had to WAIT for a White Cab driver to go inside Rite Aid and get change. YOU ARE AN OPERATING BUSINESS!! IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO CARRY EFFING CHANGE!!
Capitaland Taxi
Worst NY cab company. Their drivers are ALL rude, they even have the nerve to insult you or your spouse/friend/whoever is with you. This one fat mean lady insulted Matthew right to my face, and it made me effing mad to have someone talk like that about my husband AND with him around!! And they NEVER EVER have change. Their cars are VERY CRAPPY and the whole interior smells like gasoline, and you still smell like gasoline after you've reached your destination. They also have to get out and open the door for you because they WON'T EFFIN' OPEN FROM INSIDE!! They're also reckless drivers and they make you wait forever, we once waited OVER AN HOUR for those jerks!! This one lady freakin' wouldn't give us change, so we had to demand a discount next time she drove us someplace.
Twin City Cab
These guys started out good, they had lower prices than everyone else, and they even--gasp--gave you change back!!!! But soon they made their prices the same as everyone else's, stopped carrying change, and they even made us wait OVER AN HOUR for a frigging cab!! This one lady overcharged me big-time, so I busted her the next time we got a ride from 'em and demanded a discount of the amount she had overcharged.
Tri-County Cab
Their drivers are VERY reckless, dopey, rude, and they smell! They are the WORST when it comes to change!! I have had more change incidents with these jerks than anyone else, and they are the most snotty about it when I want my effing change back. I always wanna kick the effing car when they leave 'cuz they make me so effing mad. It's their fault I start my shift at work on Sundays all grumbly. This is why I won't work Sundays, I can't afford these mother effers OR deal with their ways!! Wait 'til the effing trolley starts running, cuz you a$$es aren't getting MY money!! JERKS!!!!
Upstate Taxi Service
Gee, I would sure love to see if THIS cab company is any good but I CAN'T EVEN EFFING CALL THEM!! The sides of all their cars say "745-TAXI," and I effing DIALED 745-effing TAXI, and all I got was some old guy that was all confused, and after I had to have like a MINUTE of banter with this a$$ was I FINALLY able to figure out that it was the wrong number. EFF YOU Upstate Taxi Service!! You should feel lucky if I EVER get ahold of you, and if I do, you effing BETTER TREAT ME RIGHT!!!!!!!!

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