Wednesday, May 24, 2006

So I had this babysitter back in the day who was a bad lady...

So okay, it's like this. There's a drawer with crayons and coloring books, and because I know where the drawer is, I am allowed to go in there and get the stuff and color as long as I color in the dining room where Lisa can see me. I'm like 4 years old during all this. So as long as I color in the dining room where she can watch me and I put everything back where I found it when I'm done, then it's all good, I don't have to ask for permission. This is what Lisa and I had established as the rules. Done and done. Her son Trevor, just a couple years older than me is at school during part of the day, so I get some of the day to myself to color. Great. So Lisa is in like, in the bathroom or something like that, all I know is she's not around. So I spot this BIG BIG coloring book with dinosaurs. I am like "SWEET! I'mma go get the crayons!" So I get the crayons and I color a couple dinosaurs and get bored with it, and then I PUT THE CRAYONS BACK and then I PUT THE COLORING BOOK BACK JUST LIKE I AM SUPPOSED TO! Then she comes out yelling and bishing 'cuz I "colored in Trevor's Easter present." WTF LADY! You didn't tell me until AFTER THE FACT that it was effing Trevor's effing Easter present! You a$$! It's like, I followed the rules, bish, don't you come yelling at me about something that's YOUR EFFING FAULT!! DUH!! YOU left ME alone when you were SUPPOSED to be watching me. WTF! I was effing 4!! That story still makes me mad. Here's the message to everyone:

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